A Message to Our Community: COVID-19

2019 AF

A note to our community

We are all in this together!

We are continuing to monitor the Covid-19 situation and are following guidance from public health officials and governmental agencies.

Out of concern for the health and safety of everyone, we are cancelling or postponing all of our public programs and are unable to host visitors to the farm at this time. As it is part of our mission to encourage use of open space and to cultivate a connection with nature, we would like to direct you to our sister organization, the Peconic Land Trust, that oversees many beautiful natural open paces within driving distance from the farm to visit. Click here for more information.

We have paused our general volunteer program. The Nassau Land Trust will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of possible pop-up farm stands and plant sales. Our limited staff is working diligently to provide the essential service of growing food for our community. Good food is coming soon. We are working on growing starts for your own home food and flower beds.

We ask that you please join us in our effort to get our crops planted by making a contribution towards our operating costs. Without revenue from events, our market, and education program, it will become increasingly difficult to pay our staff, and therefore to grow our produce over the coming months. Consider making a donation online to help us continue to provide our community with fresh, locally grown food.


We will be in touch again soon.

With real care,
Rick White, NLT Chairman
Eva Schwartz, FAC Chair


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours



Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!



Notice to Our Community

2019 AF

A note to our community

Out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of everyone, and in recognition of the news coming from our local health authorities, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we are cancelling or postponing all of our public events through the end of March.

These cancellations or postponements may be ongoing into April and beyond depending upon the status of the COVID-19 outbreak. The NLT will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed about any scheduling changes.

Cautiously, we are continuing to make plans several months ahead with the hope that we will be able to come together later this spring and summer.  For example, we are busy tending to seedlings in the greenhouse and will be sending details about a plant sale as we approach the time for outdoor gardening. 

We hope that you and your family and friends stay healthy and safe during these challenging times. Please take care!

With gratitude,

Rick White, NLT Chairman
Eva Schwartz, FAC Chair


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours



Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!


Seeking an Education Department Coordinator at Crossroads Farm


Crossroads Farm seeks an Education Department Coordinator. This person will be active in every aspect of the Crossroads Farm Education Program and reports to the Education Co-directors.

Job Responsibilities:
• Schedule and staff school trips (reviewed by Education Co- directors)
• Use Google calendar for scheduling and transfer to the Softwhite system for data.
• Keep track of all education registrations and contracts
• Arrange meetings for education team
• Learn about the “field” organic and biodynamic farming and gardening, farm-based education
• Through active outreach, solicit and build relationships with schools, girls scouts, boy scouts, youth groups and other community groups to increase bookings
• Develop adult and family oriented education opportunities
• Coordinate Summer Sunshine Days
• Help care for the Teaching Garden
• Work under and learn from education gardeners and Field Manager
• Work with Adelphi interns
• Help out (seeding, harvesting, etc.) wherever there is an immediate need if education work is completed.

• Effective educator who enthusiastically engages students in experiential learning
• Organizational skills to coordinate and plan educational experiences
• Good communication skills for telephone, email, and office interaction.
• Creative graphic arts skills for making fliers, website entries, invoices.
• Photographic skills to account for education activities both on and off the farm

Education degree and experience preferred.
9 months (March- November), 20 hours a week on site.

Please send resume to education@nassaulandtrust.org.

Two More Seed Saving Volunteer Events!



About Us  |  Events


Our volunteer seed saving activity was so well received,  we’ve added two more dates. We have many seeds from our farm that still need to be processed and packaged for sale and trade. Learn all about the seeds we’ve collected and how important seed saving is to us and our planet.

Please join us on Wednesday, February 12th or Wednesday, February 26th at 11:00 AM to help.  

Please sign up  HERE if you’d like to participate.

We appreciate your passion and support, and we hope to see you soon!


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!


A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy


Join Us for the First Volunteer Event of the 2020 Season



About Us  |  Events




Help us begin to prepare for the 2020 growing season at Crossroads Farm.  Join us for our first volunteer event of the new year. We have harvested many seeds from our farm crops this past season and need to process and package them for sale and trade. Learn all about the seeds we’ve collected and how important seed saving is to us and our planet.

Please join us on Wednesday, January 29th at 11:00 AM to help.  To celebrate our first volunteer event of 2020, light refreshments will be served. 

Please sign up  HERE if you’d like to participate.

We appreciate your passion and support, and we hope to see you soon!



480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!


A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy


Can you help us grow?

2019 AF

We Need Your Help to Keep Growing!

The farm is closed now for the winter, but the work goes on.  We are busy planning for next year.  Please join the Nassau Land Trust board — whose members have all generously contributed and volunteered this year — in supporting the 2019 Annual Fund.

Every donation helps, no matter how large or small.  Click a button below to make a tax-deductible donation. 


Our goal is to raise $100,000 for the start of the new year.  We have raised $41,275.00 so far. This will help meet our annual operating costs.

Here are some scenes from school visits this year.  It’s people like you who make our programming possible.




We greatly appreciate your support.  If you have already made a contribution, we thank you!

With gratitude,

Rick White, NLT Chairman
Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible gift to the Nassau Land Trust for Crossroads Farm.


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!



Celebrate the Season at Crossroads Farm


About Us  |  Events

❄ Let’s Celebrate the Season! ❄

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for such an exciting and productive year.

We are grateful for the relationships built and the projects accomplished together. We invite our volunteers to a thank-you breakfast before our Taste of the Holidays event, on November 30th from 10 AM – 12 PM. Come enjoy a continental breakfast and light refreshments on us, and stay for our annual holiday store event!

At the Taste of the Holidays enjoy hot cider, free samples from our store & vendors, raffles, and more. For a $5.00 activity fee, children can decorate their own gingerbread people! Please see a sampling of items you can purchase from our guest vendors below.  Vendors will include Rosie’s Hotsauce, Dani’s Creations, & KSN Skincare.

Let us know you’re joining us for breakfast by clicking here.

Farmstand Update 


Crossroads Farm Produce

  • Collards
  • Beets
  • Gourds (Ornamental & Edible)
  • Microgreens 
  • Celery
  • Leafy Green Mix
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Leeks
  • Swiss Chard (Rainbow)

Other Produce and Products:



Friday – LOCAL Honeycrisp apples, LOCAL gala apples, LOCAL snapdragon apples, LOCAL Cortland apples, LOCAL Macoun apples, LOCAL empire apples, LOCAL Blondie apple, LOCAL lady apples, org German Butterball potato, honey nut squash, org spaghetti squash, org acorn squash, org butternut squash, Delicata squash, org carrots, org sweet onions, org red onions, org Beauregard sweet potato , org baby spinach and spring mix, broccoli, cauliflower, brusselsprouts

Other Products:

Jericho Cider Mill: 1/2 gallon size apple cider, apple cider donuts (limited supply),
6″ pies – apple, blueberry, apple cherry crumb, apple cranberry crumb, pumpkin

November Sale Items:

Crimson & Clove Spices = 20% off all spices & salts
Kookaburra Coffee = Decaf ONLY, 50% off
Under the Table hot sauces = 50% off
Sweet Sophie’s Natural Honey & products = 20% off
Shpickles, all varieties = 20% off
Firecider, both 8oz & 16oz = 20% off


Thanksgiving Pie Delivery on Wednesday, November 27th

If you ordered pies for the holiday they will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, November 27th  from 10 AM – 6 PM.
Additionally, We will have limited supplies of cider donuts and pies that weren’t pre-ordered. Please stop in early while supplies are available.

Our Annual Fund 2019 is Here!


Wow! What an incredible year 2019 was for Crossroads Farm. With the help of many friends, family, donors, and community partners, we have accomplished some awesome projects:

  • two new native pollinator gardens 
  • enrolled in the Bee Friendly Farming Program 
  • new indoor bathrooms and an in-progress kitchen 
  • expanded our education program (we served over 1,000 students)
  • harvested and sold thousands of pounds of organic produce 
  • Field 4 soil remediation 
  • Outdoor Nature Movie series
  • Native Plants workshop series 
  • Over seven events where people connected with open space 
 We want to keep doing this wonderful work, which is made possible by donors in our community. Our sweet little organic farm is a 501(c)(3) organization, which relies predominantly on grants & donations. It means so much to us that you have supported our efforts in bringing organic food and open space to thousands of people on Long Island, the 5 boroughs, and beyond. Please help us keep providing these beautiful experiences and opportunities for 2020.  

 Every donation helps, no matter how large or small.  Click a button below to make a tax-deductible donation. 


Our goal is to raise $100,000 before the new year! This will help secure our annual operating costs.

We are ever so grateful for your continued support, and we are envisioning a host of improvements for 2020!


 2020 CSA Booklets Are Here!


Support your local farm by providing revenue before the next growing season! This revenue goes towards the purchase of soil, seeds, and other farming supplies.

Here’s how Crossroads Farm Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA) works:

  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $50 and receive $55 worth of coupons.
  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $100 and receive $110 worth of coupons.
  • Use your CSA coupons for purchases in the farm stand.

Please purchase CSA booklets in the store or on-line.

Store Hours: 11/22/19 – 11/30/19 (HOLIDAY HOURS)


Fri.,  11/22: 10-6

Sat., 11/23: 10-6

Sun.,11/24: 10-6

Mon.,11/25: CLOSED

Tue.,11/26: 10-6

Wed.,11/27: 10-6


Fri.,  11/29:10-6

Sat., 11/30: 10-6



480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!



Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast – Saturday, November 30th


About Us  |  Events

Let’s Celebrate You, Our Volunteers!


From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for such an exciting and productive year.

We are grateful for the relationships built and the projects accomplished together. We invite our volunteers to a thank-you breakfast before our Taste of the Holidays event, on November 30th from 10 AM – 12 PM. Come enjoy a continental breakfast and light refreshments on us, and stay for our annual holiday store event!

At the Taste of the Holidays enjoy hot cider, free samples from our store & vendors, raffles, and more. For a $5.00 activity fee, children can decorate their own gingerbread people!

Let us know you’re joining us for breakfast by clicking here.


 2020 CSA Booklets Are Here!



Support your local farm by providing revenue before the next growing season! This revenue goes towards the purchase of soil, seeds, and other farming supplies.

Here’s how Crossroads Farm Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA) works:

  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $50 and receive $55 worth of coupons.
  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $100 and receive $110 worth of coupons.
  • Use your CSA coupons for purchases in the farm stand.

Please purchase CSA booklets in the store or on-line.


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!



❄ Celebrate the holidays with Crossroads Farm! ❄

❄ Celebrate the holidays with Crossroads Farm ❄
Celebrate the holidays

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for such an exciting and adventure-filled year working towards the farm’s development.

We are grateful for the relationships built and the projects accomplished together. We invite our volunteers to a thank-you breakfast before our Taste of the Holidays event, on November 30th from 10 AM – 12 PM. Come enjoy a continental breakfast on us, and hang around for our holiday gathering afterward!

Our Taste of the Holidays is right around the corner. Come enjoy hot cider, free samples from our store & vendors, and more to be announced. For a $5 activity fee, children can decorate their own gingerbread men/women!

Farmstand Update 

Crossroads Farm Produce

  • Collards
  • Eggplant (Ping Tung, Traviata)
  • Gourds (Ornamental & Edible)
  • Microgreens 
  • Onions (yellow & red)
  • Potatoes (Fingerling, Dark Red Norland, Yukon Gold)
  • Swiss Chard (Rainbow)
  • Tomatoes (Cherry, San Marzano, Nepal, Streaked Lightning, Purple Cherokee, & other heirloom varieties – limited supply)

Other Produce and Products:



LOCAL honeycrisp apples, LOCAL gala apples, LOCAL snapdragon apples, LOCAL cortland apples, LOCAL macoun apples, LOCAL empire apples, LOCAL blondie apple, LOCAL lady apples, org German Butterbal potato, org honeynut squash, org spaghetti squash, org acorn squash, org butternut squash, org delicata squash, org carrots, org sweet onions, org red onions, org Beauregard sweet potato

Other products:

 1/2 gallon size apple cider, apple cider donuts (limited supply),
6″ pies – apple, blueberry, apple cherry crumb, apple cranberry crumb

Tom Cat Bakery: cheddar pull aparts, onion poppy pull aparts, 7 grain bread, raisin walnut cranberry batards

November Sales:
Crimson & Clove Spices = 20% off all spices & salts
Kookaburra Coffee = Decaf ONLY, 50% off
Under the Table hot sauces = 50% off
Sweet Sophie’s Natural Honey & products = 20% off
Shpickles, all varieties = 20% off
Firecider, both 8oz & 16oz = 20% off

Order your Thanksgiving pies with Jericho Cider Mill


Thanksgiving pies are available for order, and the order deadline is November 18th. Only 10″ pies are available Thanksgiving week. 
Pie flavors: 
  • Apple Pie
  • Apple Crumb
  • Apple Cranberry
  • Apple Blueberry Crumb
  • Apple Raspberry Crumb
  • Apple Peach Crumb
  • Blueberry Pie
  • Coconut Custard
  • Pecan
  • Pumpkin
Either swing by the farm or give us a call during store hours to order your pies!
They will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, November 27.

Our Annual Fund 2019 is here!

annual fund 1

Wow! What an incredible year 2019 was for Crossroads Farm. With the help of many friends, family, donors, and community partners, we have accomplished some awesome projects:

  • two new native pollinator gardens 
  • enrolled in the Bee Friendly Farming Program 
  • new indoor bathrooms and an in-progress kitchen 
  • expanded our education program (we served over 1,000 students)
  • harvested and sold thousands of pounds of organic produce 
  • Field 4 soil remediation 
  • Outdoor Nature Movie series
  • Native Plants workshop series 
  • 7+ events where people connected with open space 

We want to keep doing this wonderful work, which is made possible by donors in our community. Our sweet little organic farm is a 501(c)(3) organization, which relies predominantly on grants & donations. It means so much to us that you have supported our efforts in bringing organic food and open space to thousands of people on Long Island, the 5 boroughs, and beyond. Please help us keep providing these beautiful experiences and opportunities for 2020.  

 Every donation helps, no matter how large or small.  Click a button below to make a tax-deductible donation. 


Our goal is to raise $100,000 before New Year’s! This will help secure our annual operating costs, which are paid at the beginning of the year for many farmers. 

We are ever so grateful for your continued support, and we are envisioning a host of improvements for 2020!


Ready to purchase 2020 CSA booklets?


Support your local farm by providing revenue before the next growing season! This revenue goes towards the purchase of soil, seeds, and other farming supplies.

Here’s how Crossroads Farm Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA) works:

  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $50 and receive $55 worth of coupons.
  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $100 and receive $110 worth of coupons.
  • Use your CSA coupons for purchases in the farm stand.

Come on in during store hours and ask us to buy one!

Store Hours: 11/15/19 – 11/18/19

Friday: 11AM – 12 PM, 3 PM – 6 PM

Saturday, Sunday, Monday: 10 AM – 6 PM

Tuesday – Thursday: Closed


❄ Volunteer Breakfast & Taste of the Holidays ❄

 ❄ Celebrate the holidays with Crossroads Farm ❄
Celebrate the holidays

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for such an exciting and adventure-filled year working towards the farm’s development.

We are grateful for the relationships built and the projects accomplished together. We invite our volunteers to a thank-you breakfast before our Taste of the Holidays event, on November 30th from 10 AM – 12 PM. Come enjoy a continental breakfast on us, and hang around for our holiday gathering afterward!

Our Taste of the Holidays is right around the corner. Come enjoy hot cider, free samples from our store & vendors, and more to be announced. For a $5 activity fee, children can decorate their own gingerbread men/women!


Ready to purchase 2020 CSA booklets?


Support your local farm by providing revenue before the next growing season! This revenue goes towards the purchase of soil, seeds, and other farming supplies.

Here’s how Crossroads Farm Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA) works:

  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $50 and receive $55 worth of coupons.
  • Purchase your CSA booklet at $100 and receive $110 worth of coupons.
  • Use your CSA coupons for purchases in the farm stand.

Come on in during store hours and ask us to buy one!
