Join Us for the First Volunteer Event of the 2020 Season



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Help us begin to prepare for the 2020 growing season at Crossroads Farm.  Join us for our first volunteer event of the new year. We have harvested many seeds from our farm crops this past season and need to process and package them for sale and trade. Learn all about the seeds we’ve collected and how important seed saving is to us and our planet.

Please join us on Wednesday, January 29th at 11:00 AM to help.  To celebrate our first volunteer event of 2020, light refreshments will be served. 

Please sign up  HERE if you’d like to participate.

We appreciate your passion and support, and we hope to see you soon!



480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!


A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy