Join us for a night of Halloween fun!

SAVE THE DATE: FRIDAY, NOV 1st 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Join us for a night of Halloween fun!
Expect lots of fun: old-fashioned games & activities including potato sack race, costume contest, hayrides, DJ music, Halloween themed movie & more.
$20 Child Admission – includes 1 slice of pizza & 1 drink (older siblings welcome)
Party is for children 12 & under.
Brought to you by Scout Troop 2, Malverne Youth Board & Crossroads Farm
See What’s at the Farmstand this Weekend

Crossroads Farm Produce
- Collards
- Dahlia Singles
- Eggplant (Ping Tung, Traviata)
- Garlic
- Gourds (Ornamental & Edible)
- Ground Cherries
- Herbs (Parsley, Thyme, Sage, Oregano)
- Onions (yellow & red)
- Peppers (Bell, Jalapeño)
- Potatoes (Fingerling, Dark Red Norland, Yukon Gold)
- Swiss Chard (Rainbow)
- Tomatoes (Cherry, San Marzano, Nepal, Streaked Lightning, Purple Cherokee, & other heirloom varieties – limited supply)
Other Produce and Products:
LOCAL honeycrisp apples, LOCAL gala apples, LOCAL McIntosh apples, LOCAL Paula Red apples, LOCAL snapdragon apples, LOCAL cortland apples, LOCAL macoun apples, LOCAL empire apples, LOCAL blondie apple, LOCAL lady apples, local baby spinach, local baby spring mix, org German Butterbal potato, org honeynut squash, org spaghetti squash, org acorn squash, org butternut squash, org delicata squash, org cauliflower, org broccoli, org carrots
Other products:
Jericho Cider Mill: 1 gallon, 1/2 gallon size apple cider, apple cider donuts (limited supply),
10″ pies – apple& blueberry, 6″ pies – apple, blueberry, apple raspberry crumb, apple cherry crumb, apple cranberry crumb & peach
Tom Cat Bakery: cheddar pull aparts, onion poppy pull aparts, 7 grain bread, raisin walnut cranberry batards
Crimson & Clove Spices = buy 2 get 1 free
Kookaburra Coffee = Decaf ONLY BOGO Free
All hot sauces = 20% off
Volunteer opportunities this month

We are starting to lay our fields to rest for the cold season, and there are still plenty of opportunities to volunteer at Crossroads. We’ll need help cleaning & preparing our fields to rest.
Drop-in any weekday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm to volunteer at Crossroads! We’ll be sowing seeds, raising beds, laying down tarps, and much more.
Join us and get your hands dirty at the farm!
For more information on our volunteer program, check our website’s volunteer section or email
Mark your calendars! Barnyard Event Series 2019

Save the date for our fundraising events this year!
All proceeds raised for our events directly support the farm and our ability to carry out our mission.
Compost at Crossroads
introduces our newest product, compost tea!

– Half gallon container.
– Makes 32 gallons of tea.
– Put 2 ounces per gallon or 1 tablespoon for each quart of water.
– This is the organic compost leachate from organic composted pine shavings, hay and horse manure.
– Contains microorganisms which feed your soil and plants.
– Non-acidic/neutral pH and not treated with lime.
– Composted to between 130°F to 160°F to kill any weed seed and any potential pathogens.
– Approx. 180 ppm of nitrogen
Come on by and pick some up to support your fall garden!

We offer compost in a variety of ways:
1 gallon for $2.00
7.5 gallons for $8.00
One tractor bucket for $25.00
By the yard
1 cubic yard for $60.00
5 cubic yards for $250.00
10 cubic yards for $450.00
For quantities that require tractor use (1 yard plus,) please schedule in advance with our compost manager Joe Castiglia at (347) 925 – 3292.
Our Store Hours
NEW STORE HOURS (now in effect)
OPEN: Friday through Monday from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM