Seeking an Education Department Coordinator at Crossroads Farm


Crossroads Farm seeks an Education Department Coordinator. This person will be active in every aspect of the Crossroads Farm Education Program and reports to the Education Co-directors.

Job Responsibilities:
• Schedule and staff school trips (reviewed by Education Co- directors)
• Use Google calendar for scheduling and transfer to the Softwhite system for data.
• Keep track of all education registrations and contracts
• Arrange meetings for education team
• Learn about the “field” organic and biodynamic farming and gardening, farm-based education
• Through active outreach, solicit and build relationships with schools, girls scouts, boy scouts, youth groups and other community groups to increase bookings
• Develop adult and family oriented education opportunities
• Coordinate Summer Sunshine Days
• Help care for the Teaching Garden
• Work under and learn from education gardeners and Field Manager
• Work with Adelphi interns
• Help out (seeding, harvesting, etc.) wherever there is an immediate need if education work is completed.

• Effective educator who enthusiastically engages students in experiential learning
• Organizational skills to coordinate and plan educational experiences
• Good communication skills for telephone, email, and office interaction.
• Creative graphic arts skills for making fliers, website entries, invoices.
• Photographic skills to account for education activities both on and off the farm

Education degree and experience preferred.
9 months (March- November), 20 hours a week on site.

Please send resume to

Two More Seed Saving Volunteer Events!



About Us  |  Events


Our volunteer seed saving activity was so well received,  we’ve added two more dates. We have many seeds from our farm that still need to be processed and packaged for sale and trade. Learn all about the seeds we’ve collected and how important seed saving is to us and our planet.

Please join us on Wednesday, February 12th or Wednesday, February 26th at 11:00 AM to help.  

Please sign up  HERE if you’d like to participate.

We appreciate your passion and support, and we hope to see you soon!


480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – – Store Hours

Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!


A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy