Volunteer Orientations for the Spring Season
Sat. April 14th and Sun. June 3rd
Want to get involved? Want to make a difference at the farm and in your community? We have a vibrant and well organized volunteer program. Maybe this is the year for you to get your hands in the dirt and to help sustain this unique and exciting project. Without volunteers, we couldn’t get all the work done. We are truly a community effort! We will be enhancing our volunteer program to increase your knowledge of farming. We’ll also teach you some biodynamic principles to use on the farm and apply at your homestead.
Two orientation dates have been set up for the Spring season: Sat., April 14th and Sun, June 3rd at 10:30 AM. At these orientations you will learn about the farm and the different activities and opportunities you can participate in. Please click the link below to sign up.
If you can’t make these dates, we are in the process of creating an orientation video and package that you’ll be able to access via Crossroads website or at the farm. Stay tuned!
Please sign up here to join us.
480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7700 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours
Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution. Or click volunteer to offer your time. Our success depends on you, our extended farm family! |

A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy