2022 Fund Match





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We have a generous donor who is giving a $5,000 match, please help us reach this goal! 

The support from donors like you is necessary – not just for receiving the needed funds to keep our operations going, but for support with the intent for strong growth, healthy food and learning. As a small organic farm and award-winning farm- stand we have become the cornerstone of our extended community serving hundreds of customers every week, providing organic produce and locally sourced products.

As a much-sought education source, we reach a widely diverse audience ranging from nursery schools to college-age programs. This includes students with intellectual and physical disabilities, ESL students, partnerships in education to avoid the criminal justice system and children of veterans. We are touching so many lives, yet without the farm being fully funded we cannot continue with our operations or offer our rich, experiential learning programs.

Please give to our annual fund, we hope we can count on each and every one of you.  Every dollar helps, no matter how small or large it is a sign of your support of Crossroads Farm.

We haven’t reached our goal yet, we still need your support


Donate now, by clicking here!


Thank you for your previous giving and your continued support. Your generosity has been heartwarming and necessary. We hope to see you at farm events and in the market! 




Best wishes for the Holiday season



Yours most sincerely,

Rick White,
NLT Chairman





480 Hempstead Avenue – Malverne – NY – 11565 – google map – 516-881-7900 – info@nassaulandtrust.org – Store Hours




Click donate to make a fully tax-deductible contribution.  Or click volunteer to offer your time.  Our success depends on you, our extended farm family!




A stewardship project of the Nassau Land Trust – [profilelink] – Privacy Policy